Saturday 13 September 2008

The biggest scientific deception since global warming….

The scaremongering continues even on the sober pages on innit24

The world’s largest particle accelerator (LHC) is going to destroy us all, it’s a fact. Well, at least this is the only logical conclusion we can draw from the scientific community’s deception of the media and public at large. If it wasn’t true, why would they lie to us?

Anyone reading the papers on the morning of September 10th will have breathed a sigh of relief, the slim-to-none chance of the apocalypse happening had been avoided, phew. The protons had been made, fed into the linear particle accelerator and then guided by giant magnets round the 27km collider and then it was turned off. What the popular media and scientists seemed unwilling to tell us was that simply accelerating protons to 99.99991% the speed of light won’t tear a whole in the space time continuum or create a super-massive (or even small) black hole. To create said dastardly apocalyptic tool you need to smash the protons together, at great speed, which they will do, but haven’t yet. So there was really no risk, at all, zero-risk you could say.

You must ask yourself the question, why were we not corrected, surely the doomsday predictions would have made better news when they were actually possible, couldn’t the Metro and London Lite wait just a few more weeks. It must be because the scientists themselves are more than a little unsure about what will happen. Will we find Higgs Boson or will we destroy the planet as we know it. I reckon H. Boson is probably underground but not on the Franco-Swiss border but chillin’ with Osama in a Pakistani cave till the heat dies down.

If you’re reading this blog, about the middle of October when the first collisions take place, then we can all breath a collective sigh of relief. Until then, keep reading. Franklin

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