Friday, 22 August 2008

Dance, beloved populace!

G2 excelled itself last week, showing it is Britain where T2 is clearly Australia in medals table terms. Charlie Brooker’s column showed clarity and humour beyond the reaches even of these humble bloggers, well Schreiber at least!
Writing on the subject of the Olympic opening ceremony……Perhaps Mr Brooker read previous innit24 posts, urging people not to forget China’s many and deep faults. China is a developing nation, with many millions living in abject poverty in a medieval manner. The citizens have no rights that cannot immediately withdrawn at the whim of an official. The justice system is as transparent as Mr Brown’s calm façade, well that’s clearly nonsense but you see my point. I previously wrote, “Who wants to live in a country where civil servants are the most lethal people!” And I stand by this.
Mr Brooker clearly shows, big parades and shows of national unity are simply that, shows. These events do not occur in free and democratic states, the mark of such states is complete apathy.
Let’s free Tibet and continue to harass China by sending dim-witted officials (Mayors) to bumble as rudely as possible and perhaps take the rest of the Tories with him. Franklin

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